Jul 28, 2013

Mango Raspberry Pudding

Only my gorgeous wife can come up with such a colorful and tasty idea... It's much much more tastier. I have had mango pudding before, but never had raspberry pudding. For me, the only tasty berry was strawberry before having this... and now I am a big raspberry fan. These 2 puddings are tasty alone, but combined these are mind blowing.

Try this and you could probably join me in the raspberry fans club... hehe...

Serves: 6
Spice level: --

Preparation time: 7 Min.
Cook time (incl. Prep. time): 10 Min.


Mango Pudding:

1. Mango - 1 cup (pureed)
2. China Grass - 1/2 Oz. (15 grs.)
3. Water - 1/2 cup
4. Milk - 1 cup
5. Sugar - 1/2 cup

Raspberry Pudding:

6. Raspberry - 1 cup (pureed)
7. China Grass - 1/2 Oz. (15 grms.)
8. Water - 1/2 cup
9. Milk - 1 cup
10. Sugar - 1/2 cup


1. In a sauce pan boil 1/2 cup of water and dissolve the china grass into it by stirring it for about 2 mins.
2. Add sugar and milk to it and mix well and let it boil
3. Add the Mango puree and stir it constantly for about 2-3 mins.
4. Get the mix off the flame and pour it into a deep bowl and let it cool down and set for about 10 - 15 mins. in the refrigerator.
5. To make the raspberry pudding repeat steps 1-3 by substituting mango puree with raspberry puree
6. Once done, pour the raspberry pudding carefully on top of the half-set mango pudding and refrigerate it for an hour.
7. After it’s completely set, get it off the fridge and invert it onto a flat serving plate. Cut it into slices and serve cold.

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